5 things you DON'T have to do before taking your first dance class as an adult

Starting or returning to dance as an adult can be hard and scary! Your mind might be telling you all the reasons you shouldn’t jump back into dance just yet.  But we are here to tell you that it’s okay to start now, just as you are.  We hope this post will help you push past your own self-imposed, imaginary barriers so you can get to doing what you want to do: DANCE!

5 things you do NOT need to do before you take your first dance class as an adult:

  1. Feel ready. If you wait until you feel ready to take your first class, you may not ever take the leap (pun intended!). Feelings do not necessarily equal facts, so you are probably in fact, already ready.  And on that note, being “ready” is a mythical idea: some imagined state of perfect conditions that must occur before you act.  As our favorite Licensed Professional Counselor, Lauren Wycuff, says, being courageous and vulnerable by taking one step of action is enough to build your confidence.  So get out of your mind, into your body, into your car, and into the studio!

  2. Get in shape.  We’ve heard several dancers say they want to get in shape before they take class.  Here’s what we have to say about that:  First, your shape is beautiful. Second, there is no physical fitness level or body type pre-requisite for dancing. Of course, listen to your body. If a class feels too physically demanding, modify movement, start with a gentler style or try a beginner level class that is less physically intense. Regarding physical appearance, please don’t compare yourself to other dancers’ bodies.  You are not your body, your body is just part of you, and how you look or what you weigh does not equate to your worth.  We love the saying: “How to get a dancer’s body: have a body…. and DANCE!”

  3. Know somebody else taking class.  Doing something new at a new place can feel scary by yourself. But please don’t let that stop you because you can do hard things, and you are not alone! We are confident that our welcoming team of Class Managers and Instructors will make you feel connected and right at home.  You are sure to find a friendly face when you arrive to help ease your nerves.  Plus, you will probably feel incredibly proud of yourself by doing something on your own!

  4. Look the part.  Don’t have a leotard, tights, dance heels, ballet slippers or tap shoes? No problem! Come as you are! We don’t have a dress code so please don’t let attire or shoes be a barrier to you taking a class.   Wear what you feel comfy and confident in.  If you decide to commit to a particular style, then by all means feel free to invest in dance-wear/shoes, but know that from our perspective, that is not required. Many people take class in their sneakers, socks or just bare feet. Do you, boo!

  5. Dance like you used to.   If you’re returning to dance after a long break it can be tempting to compare your current self to a prior version of yourself.  We have a whole blog post on this (link it), but we want to remind you that you are awesome as you are and it’s okay to be different than you were 10 years ago. Life changes and so do we!  Please don’t let that stop you from resuming what you love!


The moral of the story is, if you’ve been wanting to take dance classes but have been apprehensive, we hope you’ll challenge the voice in your head that’s telling you you’re not ready yet.  We would love to welcome you and have you in class and support you in your journey!  Contact us to learn more or click here to view our schedule and START DANCING!

written by: Jenny De Tore, Founder/Owner, Powerhouse Dance